While the war was raging, the PRC created a domestic campaign to mobilize the Chinese people against enemies of the country. They created the slogan “Resist America, Aid Korea.” This gathered enthusiasm of the Chinese for the CCP after 1949, when the party seemed to be effective at cleaning up cities, removing beggars and crime, controlling inflation, as well as getting Chinese people to rebuild their country, control disease and end illiteracy.
Chinas actions in Korea led to the UN to in 1951, sanction a global embargo on the shipment of arms and other war materials to China. The embargo had the opposite effect that the UN wanted because it only strengthened the relationship
between the PRC and the USSR. Based on this, the PRC was not allowed to gain a seat for China in the UN, the seat was instead given to Taiwan. The Korean War was also a major factor in the negative relationship between the China and the United States until the early 1970s. This continued as the US maintained travel restrictions, and a trade embargo with China as well as providing military aid to Taiwan.
Even though the Korean War had ended in a draw, the Chinese asserted that they had won a victory of sorts. They were proud of what their new country had done, because it is the first time in the modern era that China had been able to fight foreign powers.